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If I can do it, anyone with ambition can……5 years on!

by Feb 1, 2013Latest News, Personal Development

Today, my first ever blog! The first of many I hope…just a little about me and my story.

1st February marks a red-letter event.  On this day five years ago, I began a new life as a single parent, I was fully aware that my future prosperity lay in my hands and in mine alone.  I also knew that in order to succeed and be the person and parent I had always dreamed about being that the road ahead would involve sheer hard work and require bucket loads of determination.  Learning how to juggle the demands of my young family, with career ambitions and personal happiness would be an enormous challenge.

Then my light bulb moment came.  I was so inspired by an article in Woman & Home about Alicia Cowan and her experience of successfully setting up her business – Absolute PA.  I remember thinking how perfect it all sounded.  Alicia’s story gave me the motivation to pursue my dream.  I already loved everything about being an outstanding PA, capable of making a difference to whoever I work with.  However, the timing back then wasn’t quite right and I made the decision that I would plan to set up my own VA business  when my children were settled in school, so that I had the time available and could make the leap from PA to VA ‘Virtual Assistant’ with real focus.

Fast forward to 2012 and I am investing in my own business Elite PA Solutions.  In April 2012, I made the commitment to complete the VA Mastery Course offered by Carmen MacDougall of the Virtual Assistant Coaching and Training Company.  Having been an employee within the corporate world, I knew I had lots to learn about setting up my business and needed all the help, advice and support I could get to fully understand everything I would need to launch my new business – including social media, marketing, networking and client management, these were so vital to my business set up.   Amazingly, I decided to follow the route of ‘group training’ on the VA Mastery Course and as a result, I met a dynamic group of like-minded business women who share the same ambition and drive to succeed in their business as I do in mine, creating a great network.   The VA industry is incredibly collaborative, which means total flexibility for clients and I am so excited to be a part of it.

Had you have told me five years ago that in 2013  I would be a business owner, who successfully manages my commitment to my clients  alongside the demands of family life and be having such fun doing it, I know I would not have believed you!  It is amazing what you can achieve when you set your mind to it.  Step by step, day by day.

If you are experiencing challenges either personally or within your business here’s my advice – surround yourself with like-minded people, people who believe in you and support YOU – add them to your success train now! 

If I can do it, so can you. 

